The wisdom of Deirdre

Deirdre’s an inspiration, never gets angry or flustered. She never asks “why?” nor even “why not?” I suspect that might be the secret to her ever-present good humour.

When any of us might become so frustrated we’d say “I can’t believe you just did that! I’m not normally the kind of person who says ‘I told you so’, but I did, I told you so! I gave you ample warning, and even reminded you! Now look what’s happened!” she simply says “Recalculating” and recalculates.

Deirdre is the voice on my GPS.

Each of our lives might be improved if we behaved a bit more as Deirdre does. She considers only two things, where you are and where you want to be, and she maps out the most efficient way to get there. She tells you how long it’ll take based on the circumstances she’s aware of and she never questions those circumstances. She doesn’t say “if only…”, or “it’d be much quicker if…”. She just tells it like it is. And if circumstances change along the way, she recalculates.

And so it should be with our lives. We should understand our circumstances which, if they’re impacted by FA, is a huge consideration but one there’s no point lamenting or being frustrated by. Deirdre wouldn’t. Much better to accept them, and set our expectations accordingly.


The problem with Deirdre


The DNA Dilemma