Live your best life with FA, despite FA

So far, there’s neither specific treatment nor a cure for Friedreich Ataxia. However, through the dedicated work of teams of researchers worldwide whose funding is sponsored in large part by faraand associated fundraising organisations, the signs are promising. To learn more about faraand how you can support their fundraising efforts to support this work, visit their site here

While we wait for treatments and a cure, there are things all FAers can and should do. FA is a progressive condition, but we can work to slow that progression so we’re in the best possible condition to take advantage of them when they do come. 

First of all, because FAers are less mobile, it takes us longer to recover from illness than others, so make sure you keep all your immunisations up to date, get the ‘flu and the Covid jabs each year etc. 

Secondly, for the same reason, it takes FAers longer to recover from injury, so do everything necessary to keep your surroundings safe. As the saying goes: “First of all, avoid a fall”. (There are links to Government support under the “Living with FA” tab above).

Thirdly, be proactive. Eat and drink healthily, exercise, visit and practice physio etc. There’s more on the specific pages under the “Managing FA” tab above.